The Engagement Working Group is focused on providing events and opportunities for your personal and professional development.
Who are we?
Jake Parsons
Eushin Kang
Jackie Hazelhurst
Sujean In
Thomas Hartono
Cam Young
Gracie Pickering
Fourth Year Mentoring Program
This annual initiative pairs fourth-year medical students 1-on-1 with senior doctors right as students transition into the clinical field. Since inception in 2019 with the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists the program has expanded to include nearly 20% of fourth-year students across the country! The Royal New Zealand College of GPs has been involved in the program since 2022 to match students with General Practitioners and Rural Medicine Specialists.
Expression of interest closed for 2023 on 28th Feb
Medical Leadership Forum - Nelson
This event is focussed on delivering leadership development opportunities for 60 medical students across the country. The leadership theme for 2023 will be clinicians caring for the climate. NZMSA are proud to include carbon capture volunteering as a part of this interactive weekend of workshops and keynote speakers.
Expressions of interest have not yet opened for 2023, please check back in May/June
Student Research Forum
Since the major NZMSA restructure in 2022 we are excited to also announce the launch of a new event! This will be a similar conference to the well-known Clinical Leadership Forum. The focus of this forum will be on showcasing student-produced research and delivering workshops that discuss the grant and publishing opportunities for budding medical researchers.
Expressions of interest have not yet opened for 2023, please check back in July
Vampire Cup
This is an annual competition between the University of Auckland and University of Otago to see who can donate the most blood throughout the month of October.
Currently the Vampire Cup is held by Otago, will they be dethroned by Auckland? Make sure you represent your university and find our more details on your class pages through the month of October!